Sept-Nov 2020 - School Team Project
Patient Monitoring for Home Caretakers
I collaborated with a team of three engineering students to design and prototype a mobile application to help home caretakers better monitor and record their patient’s health metrics. We worked on this project over the course of a semester, from research and problem statement to final high fidelity prototype.

You can see our full demo here.


How might we help home caretakers monitor patient health to prevent patient deterioration?

Solution Overview

Tracking health metrics

Problem: Caretakers need a robust way to monitor and view a patient’s health trends

Solution: Being able to track multiple health metrics across time in an all-in-one application

Solution Overview

Logging Data

Problem: Caretakers need an easy way to record health stats

Solution: Support both manual entry and device-readings to log different types of health metrics

Solution Overview

Detecting irregularities and notifying doctors

Problem: Health irregularities are worrisome and caretakers often do not have a clear path of action (going to the ER vs. going to the doctor vs. waiting it out)

Solution: Use AI to detect irregularities in health, and prompt users to share the data with their primary doctor.

Solution Overview

Adding new and custom metrics

Problem: Caretakers need an easy way to add new metrics to track, and include all relevant information (frequency, unit, safe limits)

Solution: A guided metric creation process that users can follow to add relevant health metrics or define custom ones.


1. Understanding the problem

Consulting secondary research, looking at competitors in the market, and conducting user interviews to narrow down our problem space. To proceed, we identified detailed requirements for our solution.

2. Low fidelity prototyping

Our team split off individually to prototype freely, and came back to the table to discuss and combine our prototypes into two final ones.

3. Testing and synthesizing findings

We held 8 usability tests over both prototypes, keeping track of the overall metrics and final SUS scores to evaluate and compare.

4. Iterate!

From our findings, we openly collaborated to refine and improve our prototype.